• I have been testing the version 3.5 of WordPress with a view to deploying it on my site. Although there is much I like about it and its new Media Uploader, it seems to have one significant shortcoming which is putting me off upgrading.

    In 3.4 and previous versions it was possible to edit the names of multiple images using the keyboard only. You could enter the Title, Caption etc… for the image, then use Tab and Enter to get to the next image in the sequence, edit its information and so on.

    I’ve spent a while playing with the Media Uploader in 3.5 and cannot see how to replicate this. Once you’ve edited the information for one image the tab button does not take you to the next one, at least not without spooling through what seems like hundreds of other options, making it impractical.

    I’m disappointed that this functionality has seemingly gone from the new version of WordPress. And I suspect it may cause problems for other users, such as those with disabilities who find it easier to use keyboards than mice.

    Is there any chance this could be reinstated for a future version of WordPress?

    Or could a plugin developer create some means of using the pre-3.5 Media Uploader within 3.5?

    Or (best of all) can someone tell me I’m doing it wrong and this is in fact possible within 3.5…

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  • Thread Starter notpoppy


    I’m still trying to find a solution for this and still putting off upgrading to 3.5 as a result.

    I’m surprised no one else seems to be having the same problem which makes me wonder if I’m missing something obvious.

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