• Woolentor recently viewed products doesn’t work if a user isn’t logged in. I mean, it gathers the data and store it in the cookie, but viewed products doesn’t show. Once the user that saw products from logged out, logs in, he can see the recently viewed products. Is there a way to make it show even if the user doesn’t log in? I already tried to switch theme from OceanWP to Store Front and deactivate other plugins, but the issue is still there.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Tarek Aziz


    Hello @stefano02

    Thank you very much for getting in touch with us 🙂

    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience you had. It would be better if you could contact us via our support website:


    Our support team will definitely help you with this.

    Best regards,

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