• Resolved benfrankie


    just wondering if we’d need Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Plugin to use Enhanced Ecommerce on Google Analytics while using both WooFunnels, pixelyoursite?

    if so how to change configurations on pixelyoursite to avoid duplicates?


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  • Plugin Author Conversios


    Dear @benfrankie,

    Thankyou for creating this topic.

    Tatvic plugin helps you in generating eCommerce reports under the Enhanced Ecommerce on Google Analytics.

    You can use the plugin if you are not getting eCommerce reports from other mentioned plugins.

    Also, we would like to mention that the plugin helps you with complete GA4, Ads(dynamic remarketing) trackings, and integration with the Google Shopping solution.

    Regarding duplication: You can make sure that the pixels which track eCommerce data and page view(which get tracked by Tatvic in GA) is disabled in the pixelyoursite plugin.

    Hope the above helps.

    P.S. – Just FYI, the basic plugin out of the box works on store and pages which follow standard WooCommerce implementation.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Tatvic Analytics.

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