• Resolved wurdpressuzer


    WooCommerce Won’t Publish Inventory Data to Square (but everything else works)


    SCREEN RECORDING HERE showing side-by-side dashboards (WooCommerce & Square POS)

    1) What could possibly be causing this?
    2) Why was the inventory syncing perfectly working as early as a few hours ago until deleting all Square POS products in the item library and then doing a full re-sync?
    3) How can I get it working right?


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  • Thread Starter wurdpressuzer


    I’ve closed this topic since I wasn’t able to make up any ground or receive any support/insight — but long story short I simply started from scratch and re-inventoried over 600 items one-by-one and syncing Woo with Square POS several times over a week to finally get it ~90% functional.

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