• Resolved launcestonit


    I am building a website for a client who is using Square for the brick and mortar store. They want to integrate with WooCommerce for their online store, but maintain everything through Square, so I have set it up as a one-way sync from Square using the WooCommerce/Square plugin

    The problem is that the WooCommerce/Square plugin only syncs one image to the product. It looks like this is happening because the product image gets synced to the Product Image section, which only allows one image, and the remaining images in Square do not get synced to the Product Gallery Images section.

    I’ve reached out to Square support and they have confirmed that the sync seems to be working correctly on their end.

    The only solution I have been able to find is to work from WooCommerce instead of Square, but this is not an option for my client as the rest of their business is run from Square, and they have over 900 products that would have to be manually uploaded into WooCommerce.

    I find it hard to believe an official WooCommerce plugin could be this poorly designed, but wanting to see if anyone else has had this issue and whether they have found any workaround to it.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @launcestonit,

    Unfortunately, at this time, the plugin does not support syncing multiple images or gallery images from Square. This is a known limitation, and we are actively exploring ways to improve this functionality in future updates.

    In the meantime, one possible workaround could be manually adding or using CSV files to add the additional images to the Product Gallery in WooCommerce after the initial sync from Square. We understand this might not be the ideal solution, especially considering your client’s number of products.

    We value your feedback and it would be great to have you add your ideas as a feature request, which is where developers go to look for future plugin features and improvements.

    I hope this clarifies your concern. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    @shameemreza this has been an issue for YEARS…and it doesn’t seem to be making any progress. Clients use Square for adding products, not WordPress. WooCommerce needs to work on improving how synched products from square populate WordPress products. The content is there…

    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @logantate

    Currently, the WooCommerce Square plugin is indeed designed to sync only the primary product image from Square. This is a known limitation, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    Our development team is aware of this limitation and is actively working on improving this feature in future updates. However, at this moment, we do not have a specific timeline for when this will be implemented.

    I wish I could help more, but hopefully, this clarifies the matter. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

    Thread Starter launcestonit


    @logantate An update on this…

    We purchased a paid plugin: WC Shop Sync Pro (Premium) from Wpexpertsio. The plugin didn’t initially solve the issue, but we have been working with the plugin developers to develop the multiple image sync feature. They currently have it in beta, which we are testing.

    In the end though, the integration with Square is just completely clunky – there were so many workarounds we had to implement to make it work, that it became ridiculous.

    We have elected to ditch WordPress altogether and go with the Square website builder. Whilst the Square website builder is extremely limited in design and features, at least it actually integrates properly with the Square inventory, which is the most important requirement for us.

    It’s crazy to me that the third party plugin developer is more willing to respond on this issue than the official WooCommerce/Square plugin developer. Clearly it’s possible.

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