• Resolved kristinubute



    I am only seeing 3 product columns in my Related Products instead of 4.
    The rest of my store is 4 columns of products.

    I have found this coding but didn’t work for some reason.

    I also want them to SHOW in the Related Products similar products (not different) ones on this area … Mine are not showing the same type of Category in the Related Products which I would assume it would pickup from the same Category

    How do I fix this ?

    In the Woocommerce document, it says “These products cannot be specified in the admin, but can be influenced by grouping similar products in the same category or by using the same tags.”

    So why do mine not show up other categories from the same Category ?


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  • Joel Williams


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Honestly I’m not sure what could be causing it. The code above definitely works on a default install of WooCommerce and Storefront, so like you mention, there must be something on your site interfering.

    Have you tried disabling all other plugins and removing/disabling any other theme customizations?

    Plugin Support AW a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – if you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.

    Thread Starter kristinubute



    No not resolved, just busy trying to resolve things.

    I have it installed on my test server and exactly the same only showing 3 products in the Related Products area on the bottom of Single Page.

    NO difference.

    When I look in the Inspector in the browser in this area – the coding is <ul class-“products columns-3:> that must be coming from somewhere I’m trying to figure out.

    The whole site is 4 columns so not sure why it says this, its getting confused by the sounds of it.

    Even my original coding in the functions.php is

    /*adjustment for 4 shop columns*/
    add_filter( ‘storefront_loop_columns’, function() { return 4; } ); //change shop colunns//

    So then as I have updated my Woocommerce to latest version, I tried to change the settings from 3 products to 4 products to be shown in the Customise area but keeps coming up with error when I try and save

    Unable to save due to 1 invalid setting.
    I only click on the up arrow to change to 4.

    Everything else on site is working normally.


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