• Resolved comettees


    I am experiencing strange behaviors when trying the Export Products from WooCommerce. I have variable products, but the volume is very low. I basically deleted everything and reloaded just 7 products from Printify. It still doesn’t export those correctly. This worked great less than a month ago.

    Basically, every time I export the products I get different, seemingly random results. The exported files are always incomplete and sometimes data is not even aligned properly. I have pressed the export button twice within 30 seconds and gotten 2 different results.

    I have done the basics, such as deactivating plugins, changing themes, trying different browsers, removing semi-colons and any other potentially troublesome characters, etc. Nothing seems to have any effect.

    Did something break in the last version upgrade of Woo? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello comettees

    Thank you for contacting Woo support.

    Could you tell me exactly which steps you are following to export products?

    To confirm, you only have 7 products on the site and they were imported from Printify?
    Could you share the exported CSV files with me?
    I can check them for a better understanding.

    Lastly, to verify whether this issue is only related to products imported from Printify, could you import WooCommerce Sample Data and export it?
    The sample CSV file is located in the WooCommerce plugin folder in woocommerce/sample-data.

    When you export the sample data, please move the existing products to Trash.
    You can restore them after this test.

    Let me know how it goes. 🙂

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter comettees


    Hi @doublezed2,

    Thanks so much for your reply and offer to help. I do really appreciate it.

    Here is the additional info you requested…

    For exporting, I am just going to the Products menu, then pressing Export, and then pressing the Generate CSV button.

    I have since loaded a few more products from Printify, so I now have a total of 21 Printify products. I am still having the issue. Yes, I would be happy to share my CSV files with you. Is there a more secure way I can share them with you?

    I also did as you said. I loaded the sample Woo data and trashed my products. Every time I export that sample data, everything works perfectly. So the problem definitely seems related to the Printify based products.

    I just don’t understand the randomness of it. When exporting my Printify based products…I can export 3 times in a row and get 3 different results.

    Any further advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello comettees

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand that you are using the default Export button on the All Products page.
    This process is working fine for products imported via Sample Data CSV file but showing problems with products imported from Printify.

    Next, I would like to examine CSV generated by exported Printify products.
    Checking the data in the CSV file might clarify what is causing the problem.

    You may upload the CSV file to any cloud file-sharing service and share the link to the file here with me via QuickForget. This way your CSV file will not be available after I download it.

    Meanwhile, I suggest that you contact Printify support and ask their opinion about this problem.
    Their insights might help in resolving this issue.

    Looking forward to your response. 🙂

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter comettees


    Hi @doublezed2,

    Thanks, great ideas. I will reach out to Printify Support. I have placed the product file examples here for your review with some additional details…


    Thread Starter comettees


    Hi @doublezed2,

    Sorry if the quickforget expire too quickly. Let me know if you would like me to post another.

    I appreciate your help and input.

    Plugin Support RK a11n


    Hi there,

    It seems like the quickforget already expired before being able to download the CSV file: Can you share it again but use an expiry date further into the future?

    In addition, please do the following:

    • Share a copy of your status report as found under WooCommerce > Status.
    • You mentioned getting random results – Can you elaborate a bit more on what you mean here? Are you seeing random prices, product data, images, or something else altogether?
    • You also mentioned that a month ago everything worked fine – What changed in the meantime? Were there any plugin updates?
    • Have you been in touch with the Printify Support team to check whether their code alters the WooCommerce Product Export function at all?

    Finally, I just wanted to explore this point a bit further:

    I have since loaded a few more products from Printify, so I now have a total of 21 Printify products

    Can you share the exact steps you’re taking to load these products?


    Thread Starter comettees


    Hi @riaanknoetze,

    Thanks for your reply. Sorry, I was away for a few days. I was going to pass all of the info over to you, but I thought I would retest again today. (I did update a few plugins prior, Yoast, reCaptcha for WooCommerce, and WooCommerce Shipping & Tax.) When I testing again, everything seems to be working perfectly. Rather than having you and I chase ghosts, I will close the issue. I suspect it may have been related to Printify’s data transfer. If I happen to see the issue again, I will dig in further and follow-up with them first.

    Basically, I loaded the products initially through Printify’s site. That was when I was experiencing the Export issues. (Wonder if they pass any odd/unsupported characters.) I managed to Export sets of my products (about 7-10 at a time). I then update a few fields in Google Sheets and Import back in. (Perhaps that Import back in fixes the data by removing odd/unsupported characters?) I managed to update all 21 products, successfully. Now, all of my Exports are whole and consistent.

    I appreciate your help and will let you know if I encounter the issue again.

    Plugin Support Rajesh K. (woo-hc)


    Hello @comettees,

    We appreciate your thorough troubleshooting and persistence in resolving the issue. It’s great to hear that everything is working smoothly now. Your approach to breaking down the export into smaller sets and re-importing through Google Sheets was a clever workaround!

    Should you have further inquiries, kindly create a new topic here. Meanwhile, if it isn’t too much to ask for – would you mind leaving us a review here?

    It only takes a couple of minutes but helps us tremendously. It would mean so much to us and would go a really long way.


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