• Resolved drivendevelopment


    Hi there,

    We are having the same problem outlined in this issue. We’re using version 1.19 of the plugin but still having the issue described (i.e. if there is an error on the form that is subsequently corrected, the captcha fails).

    Can you please help?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter drivendevelopment


    Just an FYI that we had to deactivate the plugin as it was blocking orders. Hoping this is something you can fix as we rely on the plugin to block spam. Let me know if you need any additional info. Thank you for your help.

    Plugin Author Alexandru Tapuleasa


    Well, if you deactivated it, there’s no way we can check what’s wrong 🙁

    If you can reactivate it temporarily let me know and I will have a look. I will be around for the next few hours.

    Thread Starter drivendevelopment


    Thanks for looking into it. I’ve temporarily reactivated it. Let me know when you’re done looking so I can deactivate.

    Plugin Author Alexandru Tapuleasa


    Looks like it’s working OK for me. If there’s an error in the form, the reCAPTCHA box is reset and you need to check it again before submitting it again.

    Please clear your browser’s cache, maybe something is stuck there?

    Thread Starter drivendevelopment


    I tried it in incognito mode and the issue is still there. I’ve also tried clearing server side cache as well as trying new reCaptcha keys.

    Here is a video showing the issue: https://www.loom.com/share/24af249390be48a8a46b289cc38d4cff?sid=c63c5999-5abe-4369-8ce7-8ede304689dc

    It appears that the captcha box is cleared when the form is submitted. Not sure if that’s part of the problem.

    Plugin Author Alexandru Tapuleasa


    It’s working OK for me 🙁

    If you are comfortable make a quick code edit, in advanced-google-recaptcha/libs/functions.php at line 459 change 100 to 1000 and see if it helps.

    Thread Starter drivendevelopment


    Changing the timeout seems to do the trick but there’s no guarantee everything will always be processed before the captcha is reset by the timeout.

    Is there a reason it has to be reset? Is there no way to tie into the WooCommerce errors to make the implementation more robust?

    I think this will work as a patch but, if it were me, I’d consider exploring an alternate approach that doesn’t rely on a timeout.

    Plugin Author Alexandru Tapuleasa


    Well, the timeout should just allow the submit action to be registered/queued by the browser before the captcha reset action. In theory it should work even if it’s 1. But in practice, depending on other scripts running on the page, if some other code delays the submission a little bit 100ms might be too low.

    We are looking into a better solution but couldn’t find a reliable event we can get a hook for so far 🙁

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