• Resolved notpoppy


    Many thanks for this excellent plugin.

    There is one behaviour I would like to change, which I suspect has a straightforward solution.

    At present if a comment goes into moderation and is approved, the box which usually states “Report Comment” changes to “Moderated”.

    I would like to be able to hide the “Moderated” indication. At present it has the same CSS class as “Report Comment”. Could you assign it a different CSS class so I can hide it as needed? Or include an option to not display “Moderated”?

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  • Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    The update 1.3.6 is just released. It includes a class for ‘zcr-already-moderated’.
    Does it fix your issue?

    Thread Starter notpoppy


    That’s terrific – many thanks for making that addition! Have a great day.

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