• Resolved metricmedia


    We recently had a hacker create many fake WordPress accounts and orders in order to test credit card numbers for validity. Now that we’ve plugged the leaks we’d like to delete all those users from WordPress and have the deletions sync to Salesforce.

    Should we be concerned about the plugin handling deletions of 50 or 100 WP users at a time? Should we do them in smaller batches, or individually?

    Also we are fairly certain that some of these users have incomplete sync records, with a valid WP ID and temp SF ID. If deleting a batch, would the existence of a bad sync record interrupt the batch?


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  • Plugin Author Jonathan Stegall


    I haven’t done this, so I guess I’d be interested to hear how it goes. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to just try it in batches of 50 and see what happens. The worst case scenario (in my mind) is that the queue fails and there are WordPress records that get deleted without the plugin deleting their corresponding Salesforce records. If it does it would be good to see if you can tell why it fails and if it’s indicative of a problem.

    I don’t think a temp SF ID would affect the batch. What the plugin should do is batch up all of the relevant requests and run them in succession, but it doesn’t stop running if one of the operations fails. It would just create a log entry.

    One thing you could do, though, is check the plugin’s Mapping Errors tab (/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=object-sync-salesforce-admin&tab=mapping_errors) and see if there are records there. If there are, you could delete those mapping object rows and this would reduce the number of unnecessary bad sync records the plugin tries to process.

    In any case, I think you can do whatever you think is best and see how it works. I think if it were me, I would export a list of the WordPress ids before deleting them. Then you’d have that list, if you ended up having to delete them from the object map table, and correspondingly you could get the Salesforce IDs from that table before deleting them to delete them from Salesforce. I think the plugin might be fine for doing all of this without issue, but it’s not really built for that purpose so I would want a backup.

    Thread Starter metricmedia


    Well, you’re going to have to wait to find out. We’re going to export our bad users and provide a spreadsheet to our Salesforce person who will run some magic on her end to clean them out. She’s willing, and then we don’t have to wonder 🙂

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