• Resolved tekgirlymama


    Hi Gulshan,
    Will your plugin protect Elementor forms or only comment forms?
    Login form?

    From what I gather, it appends an identifier to anyone scrolling to the form.
    Is this so?
    What about pops then [forms in a popup/ slide-ins, etc]?


    How do you protect from smarter bot applications that emulate real user activity? I assume you cannot, no one can, nor claim 100% protection.
    Thankfully, very few coders are smart enough to build such bots.
    Typically the major issue is what seems as manual spam submissions – for SEO services and whatnot – while actually done with a smart bot. [Costs too much hiring massive teams = much more cost-effective paying for IPs, captcha solvers, and such].

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  • Plugin Author Gulshan Kumar


    Sorry, not for Elementor form.

    This plugin is only and only for WordPress default commenting system form.

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