• I really can’t understand why this terrible thing still exists and even get some new features and updates. It’s so bad – the first thing I do on all websites is disabling it and installing classic editor.

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  • Moderator Felipe Santos


    Hi there,

    Is there something specific that you don’t like about it? If you could provide more specific feedback, that would be good.

    Also, I feel like the “old” classic editor was quite limited, right? Not sure if you have other ideas in mind — feel free to share if so.

    El hecho de que venga en cada instalación de WordPress y que tenga que ver la manera de deshabilitarlo ya lo hace invasivo, y es realmente malo, su interfaz anticuada y su modo de uso demasiado básico, deberia ser opcional y no obligatorio.

    Moderator Felipe Santos


    Hi @luisjoze — I recommend creating your own topic/review if you would like help around it or share feedback. I would love additional info on “interfaz anticuada y su modo de uso demasiado básico”, so we can improve it from this perspective. Thank you!

    Generally, the block editor is part of WordPress (even if developed independently on a plugin), but I understand that what you mean is that it should likely be on the plugin territory.

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