• Hi:

    I build sites for clients. I build them, initially, in a MAMP local installation – especially since I’m rebuilding many classic themes or replacing classic themes with FSE themes for clients so I want to get the styling figured out BEFORE replacing the theme on a live site.

    I have been using the Greenshift theme as a starting point and then create child-themes. So I eventually need to export or make a sibling or clone to move to the live server and I’m not clear which is the best approach.

    I want to keep Greenshift as a starting point so I don’t want to change IT too dramatically. So I’ve been creating a child-theme out of the gate and then make changes to IT, but when I export it or make a sibling theme I always seem to lose some of the changes when I activate it in the new server. I always load Greenshift theme first, then the child-theme. Then I end up having to go back in and make changes to templates or blocks. It’s like I get 90% of the changes I made in MAMP but have to re-do 10%.

    My goal is to be able to completely style a site locally then take all those changes to a different server. (I know I have to reload images.)

    Can you recommend the best approach?

    Create child theme immediately, work on, export when done?
    Create child theme immediately, work on, create sibling when done? I don’t know what the difference is between exporting and making a sibling.

    Or is there a better approach? Start with Greenshift and clone it?

    Help appreciated!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Matias Benedetto


    Hi @vytaulla51, which are the changes you are losing?

    Export, Clone, and Child should have the same results. Export and Clone create new independent themes and ‘Create Child’ creates a child theme of the base one so it depends on their parent.

    You choose the option it’s better for your workflow.

    To help you more effectively about this It would be useful to know which are the changes you are loosing, an screencast video of the theme building process when you lost the changes would be useful to figure out what can be failing.

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