• Resolved Vladinator


    it may sound like a dumb question, but where is a search field i will use to search selected taxonomies? it seems that i am not the only lost person here, there are few reviews pointing at the same issue

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  • Plugin Author Sumit Singh



    If I am not wrong, you are assuming there will be a taxonomy field on the front-end with search box?

    Then this is not how this plugin works. When you select a taxonomy e.g. Colors and then someone search for “red” on front-end with default search box, it will match “red” with taxonomy terms’ name and will display the posts assigned to “red” term.

    Does it help?


    Thread Starter Vladinator


    i was referring to backend search. i need extended search for custom taxonomies in admin

    Plugin Author Sumit Singh


    Please see this comment.

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