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  • Plugin Contributor Tim Nolte


    @spiderdab there are some redirect URLs stores in some temporary transients, but other than that there shouldn’t be anything stored in the DB anywhere with your domain name. If you are talking about the plugin settings those are stored in the options table or configured via a .env or the wp-config.php.

    Thread Starter spiderdab


    Hi, I’m talking about the settings found under:
    wordpress settings -> OpenID Connect Client
    In particular:

    -Login Endpoint URL

    -Userinfo Endpoint URL

    -Token Validation Endpoint URL

    -End Session Endpoint URL

    Plugin Contributor Tim Nolte


    @spiderdab OK, that is what I described in the second part of my first response. If you aren’t using static environment configuration then they are stored in the database like any other standard plugin settings.

    Thread Starter spiderdab


    Thank you for the support. Can you also please suggest me where I can find them? because I’m searching them via phpmyadmin, but I cannot find those entries..

    I’m changing other fields in the database via bash command ‘sed’ on the db.sql backup, but the link set by the shortcode [openid_connect_generic_auth_url] is not changed..

    Thread Starter spiderdab


    Ok, I’ve found the entry. It is under wp_options -> openid_connect_generic_settings.

    Thank you again for the support. Now I just need to check why the url is not changed..
    Have a nice day!

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