• Resolved Buro 86



    I am contacting you both to check the compatibility of Weglot ( weglot.com) + Brave popup & Autoptimize together as we use the first two plugins to open a popup on the homepage but not working on other languages than the default English one.

    On the website https://belgianwaffleironstore.com/ we have in the default English version a download button “Download our catalog” which triggers a popup to download a catalog in Brave popup after filling in a contact form.

    Works fine, however, switching to another language on the right top via the Weglot switcher, means the download catalog button is no longer working in another language. No contact form is showing up.

    The error we get is the following:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘locale’) at autoptimize …
    Uncaught ReferenceError: bravepopup_global is not defined.

    If we deactivate autoptimize, all is working, but obviously we would like to keep this active at all cost!

    What can we do about this?

    Thanks for checking out!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    OK, so first thing to check; does all work when “optimize JavaScript” is off?

    groeten uit Lokeren 😉

    Thread Starter Buro 86


    Hoi Frank,

    De optie “Aggregate JS-files” uitschakelen maakt alles weer werken.
    Misschien iets om naar te kijken bij een volgende update, mocht je daar iets aan kunnen doen natuurlijk. Merci voor het snelle antwoord!

    Groeten uit Zottegem 😉

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    Da’s nog maar de eerste stap Dries, voor de volgende stappen;
    1. welke foutmeldingen zie je op de browser console wanneer “optimize js” aan staat?
    2. werkt alles wanneer “aggregate JS” af staat, eventueel met “do not aggregate but defer”?

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