• Resolved shanemery


    On the second frame of this story I would like the text overlay to be flush with the bottom of the video frame. Is there a way to have the WebVTT caption display above the overlay versus how it is currently automatically displaying on the bottom of the frame?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Luckyna San


    @shanemery Thanks for your post as that is a good question! There are some ideas on video caption editing and styling (as mentioned in our public roadmap), but allow me to check if positioning captions differently is a possible feature. I’ll follow up with any updates.

    Plugin Support Luckyna San


    @shanemery To follow-up, this is a known limitation on the format (amphtml) side and there are plans to fix it. As soon as they have a solution for it, we’ll look into adopting it in the plugin. Unfortunately, I don’t have better news at the moment.

    Thread Starter shanemery


    @luckynasan okay, thank you. I’ll look forward to the fix!

    Plugin Support Luckyna San


    @shanemery Thank you and awesome stories by the way! 🙂

    We will close this topic for now. If you are otherwise enjoying the plugin, we’d love to hear your feedback.

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