• Hi there,

    I’m currently developing a custom WordPress theme using Elementor, and I’ve encountered some warnings from the ElementsKit plugin that are affecting my site’s performance and first impression. Specifically, I am using the Testimonial widget provided by ElementsKit.

    Here are the warnings I’m seeing:

    1. Warning: Undefined variable $ekit_testimonial_client_image_size
    2. Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

    These warnings are appearing on pages where I’ve implemented the Testimonial widget. I have ensured that both the ElementsKit plugin and Elementor are up to date. Despite this, the warnings persist.Steps Taken:

    1. Updated ElementsKit and Elementor to the latest versions.
    2. Verified that all necessary settings for the Testimonial widget are configured correctly.
    3. Disabled other plugins to check for conflicts, but the warnings still appear.
    4. Enabled debugging in WordPress to gather more information.
    5. Checked the debug.log file and confirmed the warnings relate to the Testimonial widget.

    Additional Information:

    • WordPress Version: 6.5.4
    • ElementsKit Version: 3.2.0
    • Elementor Version: 3.22.1
    • Theme: Custom Theme

    Screenshot – https://prnt.sc/hve4jAC48u6D

    • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 5 days ago by lsdev50.
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  • Plugin Support Reedwanul Haque


    Dear @lsdev50,

    Thanks for reaching out to us & extremely sorry for the delayed response.

    In our development environment, the Testimonial widget is functioning correctly. The issue you are experiencing might be due to cached data or a conflict with a third-party theme. Please try clearing all caches from your site and browser. Additionally, you can perform a conflict test on your site to identify the root cause of the issue.

    To do so, first of all, switch your theme to a default theme like 2020 or Hello Elementor and check if the issue still persists. If that solves your issue, that means the issue is related to the theme you are using.

    Let me know your findings after performing the conflict test. If the issue persists even after that, I will take a closer look at this issue and help you to find a solution as soon as possible. Your patience & cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards,

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