• Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/xxxxxx.cloudwaysapps.com/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/customizr/inc/czr-front-ccat.php on line 1779

    hello, I get this warning since upgrading to PHP8, I guess that it’s ok to ignore it ? But can you confirm please ? Thanks for your help !

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  • Thread Starter catvetbeb


    I got it on many websites…



    A warning message is now appearing due to the recent PHP 8 version. Please note that this warning is safe to ignore and does not affect site functionality.From that point on, updates or fixes will likely be released to address these compatibility issues. Make sure you are using the latest version of your theme and any associated plugins.

    Thread Starter catvetbeb


    Thank you ! many plugins now have warning, even not important, it’s good if you can clean this 🙂

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