• DO NOT BUY THIS PLUGIN: It will increase your page load speed to eight seconds or more.

    My site runs a 400ms – 1200ms load time in Australia depending on time of day and server load. But with this plugin, it increases to 8000ms + and actually crashes my editor when it tries to load any page with the plugin on it.

    The support is *TERRIBLE*. They are arguing over semantics of page speed and refusing to refund their faulty product. They have sent me screenshots of testing servers in Canada as “proof” that my site is slow – when it’s on an Australian server, and is only ever looked at by Australian viewers.

    Here’s some insight for you: it’s running on Plesk Obsidian via WordPress Toolkit on an EC2 T3.Medium instance. It’s a clean install of X on a fresh webspace cached through CloudFlare.

    I know what I’m doing. This developer doesn’t.

    They have advised other uses to install caching plugins and the like to make up for their terrible code, and then beg for five star comments instead of fixing their terrible product. What a pathetic response.

    They now demand FTP access to ‘fix’ the problem. Yeah – because I’m totally going to hand over my SSH keys to some random scam artist on the internet. Not.

    This plugin is a scam, and the developers are thieves.

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