• Resolved rabas.marek


    Hello, I have troubles after activating the plugin. In administration it shows many links with this text:
    Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /data/web/virtuals/166398/virtual/www/subdom/projects/wp-content/plugins/wedevs-project-manager/src/Imports/Controllers/Trello_Controller.php on line 14
    I tried the newest version of WordPress 5.3.2 and the older one 4.9.13. Everything ends with crashed backend of WordPress. After deactivating the free version, everything is OK. I tried to install the plugin as the first one into clean WordPress.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by rabas.marek.
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  • Plugin Support Md. Yeasin


    Hi @rabasmarek,

    Thanks for writing here.

    Please update the PHP version of your site then check your site.
    If you face the issue again then just contact us directly through our website that we can check your site and fix this issue as soon as possible.

    Best regards.

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