• Resolved michalrama



    This isn’t a bug, but purely the fact that the bracket that isn’t closed is red only when I click on that row, which is insufficient.

    It would be good if they were red permanently

    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author Diana Burduja



    an unclosed bracket isn’t permanently red because, if the coder is in the middle of writing the function and he didn’t finish it, then theoretically there is no error yet.

    More than that, if the coder writes the “function abc() {” line, then making the bracket red at this point will confuse him into thinking that adding a bracket is semantically wrong.

    Could you give me an example of an editor that makes the bracket red at the moment it is written? Or even making it red immediately after opening a file (cursor on another line than the bracket) in which there is an unclosed bracket? A quick test in Visual Studio Code, Notepad++ and Vim shows a similar behavior as in the Simple Custom CSS and JS editor.

    Thread Starter michalrama


    Hello @diana_burduja ,

    In the image (link), the code below won’t execute. And I didn’t understand why, because it worked in the debug mode of the browser.

    I came up with the reason purely by accident. There is an extra brackets, but the editor highlights it in red when I click on it (link)

    And that’s exactly the problem. If the editor can detect the wrong number of brackets, it should show this all the time. Or at least after saving the file.

    I hope I have clearly explained what I mean.

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