• Resolved sx1001


    Hi Marko,
    we bought the pro version of W3TC now and added the WPML extension.

    The strange thing is: When using the object cache, a few strings, e.g. like page titles, are kept in the german language and not displayed as translated in the WPML translated page versions…

    Very odd.
    This forced us to disable the object cache. Unfortunately, disabling object cache increases the number of ran queries a lot!

    So the question is: How to find out, which caching is causing the problem and how to than exclude particularly this one?


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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @sx1001

    Thank you for reaching out.
    As per wp.org guidelines, issues related to your premium subscription or account should not be posted in the forum.
    Since you are a Pro user, please drop us a note directly via the plugin in Performance>Support or via the website form.

    Thread Starter sx1001


    I pinged, but didnt yet get a reply on our support question.
    But nevermind as of now – I found by patching the debug log function, which cache-group I had to disable/exclude to make it work as expected.

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @sx1001

    I’ve re-sent the email.
    Please check your inbox and confirm if you got it.

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