• Resolved lukaskraus



    when looking at any form submitted entries, everything is normal. But when I click on “view entry”, “Edit entry” or jsut try to export it, every field value is pruned to first char of the value and nothing more.
    I’ve been told that picture is worth a thousand words so here it is: https://ibb.co/dkqR4c

    Latest WordPress version and CF version (I update regularly).

    Any tips how to get the export working? The data is all right in the database, but getting it out “user-readable” is a problem.

    Best regards,

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  • Plugin Contributor christiechirinos


    Hi Lukas,

    This sounds like it could be a JavaScript or PHP error. Have you tried submitting the form with your JavaScript console open? If not can you please try and let me know what errors you see? We have a guide on how to do this here: https://calderaforms.com/2016/05/wordpress-debug-logging/

    Once you report back with the errors, we can get to solving your problem immediately. If you find nothing, please still let us know. This means we need to take a closer look at your form configurations, or you may have found a bug, in which case I want to make sure I report it and put it in our product update calendar ASAP.

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