• Very poor options. There is no configuration in the free version. You do not even display photos from FB. Waste of time

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  • Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hi @kruku,

    Sorry to hear the plugin wasn’t a good fit. We try to make it clear in advance near the top of the plugin description that the free version doesn’t include photos in the posts, so that users who need to display photos don’t install it (screenshot). While we wish we could offer every feature for free, we unfortunately have to reserve some features for the Pro version to allow us to continue providing support and updates to this free plugin on an ongoing basis.

    As Facebook are making constant changes to their platform then it’s a lot of work and cost for us to keep up with both the code changes required and the technical support that comes with it. If we weren’t able to offer a Pro version then unfortunately maintaining the plugin on a continual basis wouldn’t be possible.

    We do include a lot of other configuration options in the free version though, and don’t limit the number of posts, number of feeds, or how frequently they update like other plugins do.

    If you have any questions or further feedback at all then just let me know, and I hope you’re having a good week so far.

    Many thanks!


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