• The latest version of this plugin is adding source links to pages it shouldn’t. The examples I’m aware of include custom post types created with WCK, where it adds a source link which points at the post itself.

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  • Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    Hello and thanks for your post. This was an error introduced in the 5.3.0 release, which is fixed in 5.3.1. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    It’s also adding source links if you ERASE the source link and it’s adding them for posts directly posted in WordPress.

    Note: I’m on version 5.3.1

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by kwoodall.
    Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    it’s adding them for posts directly posted in WordPress.

    I’m not sure what this means. Could you please give detailed instructions on how to reproduce?

    it’s adding them for posts directly posted in WordPress.

    I’m not sure what this means. Could you please give detailed instructions on how to reproduce?

    When I add ANY post in WordPress admin/Posts/Add New the PF plugin source metabox insists on adding “Source: AutoDraft” to manually added posts. If you try to remove it, it adds it back again.

    Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    Thanks for the clarification.

    On the basis of this and other complaints, I’m rolling back the feature for 5.4.0 https://github.com/PressForward/pressforward/issues/1136. This release should be available within a few weeks.

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