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  • Yes, Warning: require_once(/path/wp-content/plugins/captcha/bws_menu/bws_include.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/zion_user_mcc/ on line 68

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/path/wp-content/plugins/captcha/bws_menu/bws_include.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear’) in /path//wp-content/plugins/captcha/captcha.php on line 68

    Confirmed… had to remove it via FTP to get the site back up!

    Confirmed. My site is now down after update. Had to remove the plugin from all my client’s sites.

    If you have wp-cli you can use the following command to downgrade it back to a working version:

    wp plugin update captcha --version=4.3.3

    Hope it helps while we wait!

    Same. Please fix this issue…

    Thank you!


    Okay chaps thanks i will get on to the devs now.


    Thanks. Caused a very exciting morning. 🙂

    Its been a very “exciting” few days i think ive left my wife for my new life as wp support 🙂

    For anyone affected i can only apologise before anyone wants to kill us wasnt obviosuly done on purpose and strangly works on our test sites. In the meant time please bear with me i will keep on at the team for you.


    Thread Starter hmnvtn


    We all still love your plugin 😉

    the error provided, if it helps, is

    PHP Warning: require_once(/nas/content/live/###/wp-content/plugins/captcha/includes/package_loader.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nas/content/live/###/wp-content/plugins/captcha/captcha.php on line 324, referer: https://###/wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin=captcha%2Fcaptcha.php

    for when trying to activate

    we have some really cool features to come but having a bad week 🙂

    Distinct thanks for the error i will pass it on.

    Same thing: last update makes my site crash. I had to deactivate from the FTP client…

    Eah same bug 🙁 pls fix it, plzzzzzz 🙂

    Hi Nick & Davy,

    Thanks for the heads up on it.

    On holiday and my clients called, texted, and emailed me about their sites not being able to be seen. 33 of them. not what I wanted to do was to ftp and fix things. They worked after the update, but not this morning.

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