• Resolved HKP


    Hi Folks,

    After updating to Version 4.2.4, I have found that Facebook, Twitter, MailChimp and Mailerlite cannot find our posts.

    Both MailChimp and Mailerlite give an error message that they cannot find the /feed.

    I rolled back the plugin, but that did not fix the error.

    No other plugins were updated or admin changes have been made since Version 4.2.4 was installed.

    Looking at the /feed data and page source codes, all seems to be there, but it is not being read.

    We also use the Telegram App. for RSS, and that still works 100% and is able to provide the title, author, excerpt and image correctly.

    Would appreciate your help as to what is wrong.

    Regards and thanks,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter HKP


    Hi Folks,

    After testing, I found that Version 4.2.4 caused a fatal error in our system when activated.

    After a server restart, however, all is working 100% okay now.

    Situation resolved.

    Regards and thanks,

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