• Resolved Simon Carne


    I updated to Version 2.02 and it appears to cause a clash with my mobile theme. I would like to roll back temporarily to Version 2.01 until I can fix the mobile set-up. Please can you tell me where I can download Version 2.01. (I have tried using the WP Rollback plugin, but it tells me that all earlier versions of your plugin (ie Change Password Protected Message) have been removed from the repository.

    Many thanks

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Simon Carne.
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  • Thread Starter Simon Carne


    My apologies. this plugin was not the cause of the problem. If you want to delete this topic from the list, please do so.

    Plugin Author pipdig


    Hi Simon, no problem at all. I hope you find a solution for your page.

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