• Resolved Ward



    After updating to V3.0.0 and then V3.0.1 all vendors see 0 as total earnings. They can see total sales just fine, however, earnings are 0.

    Useful debugging information:
    -Vendors can see their orders just fine.
    -Back-end logs show the correct earnings for vendors
    -I’m using the free version, there is no withdraw threshold and withdraw status is set to completed.
    -I tried resync order table and check for duplicate orders to no avail.

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  • Thread Starter Ward


    I was able to find out the issue reason, will mark as resolved.

    Issue was for some reason after the update my trn_date and balance_date tables were reset to the date of the update.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Ward.
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