• Hi,

    i still have problems when validating the VAT. Customers sometimes still can’t checkout even though the VAT number has been whitelisted/excluded on the admin & advanced tab.

    Please check the logs below.

    2024-01-29T13:27:32+00:00 INFO Success: VAT ID valid. Matched with prevalidated VAT numbers. (Country: [NL]; VAT ID: [00HIDDEN412B86]; Company: [ConHIDDEN]; Method: [])

    2024-01-29T13:27:42+00:00 INFO Error: VAT is not valid (checkout) (Country: [NL]; VAT ID: [NL00HIDDEN412B86]; Company: [ConHIDDEN]; Method: [])

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  • Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out. I am really sorry to know that you are experiencing the issue.

    Could you please send us the link to your site do that we can run some testes?

    Kind regards.

    Thread Starter shar2024


    I already provided all information by email. However, i have no reply on the actual issue yet. I have been trying to get in touch since 29 january 2024.

    Plugin Author Omar AlDabbas


    Hi @shar2024,

    I apologize for the lack of response here, since the name here isn’t matching our records, can you please confirm if your ticket ID is 27946? If not, please provide it or just resend to support and we will take immediate care of it.


    Thread Starter shar2024


    Hi Omar,

    Thank you for your reply, i appreciate it. My ticket ID is 26898.

    If you need anything else, please let me know.

    Thread Starter shar2024


    Hi Omar,

    Unfortunately i have little confidence this will be solved by email. For the following reason:

    Me: I explained the problem and provided error logs.
    Support: Tells me the VAT is valid although in the logs you can clearly see it is not valid and the function is not working as intended.
    Me: I explain it is not valid when the second check happens and i highlight this part in the logs.
    Support: Ignores multiple emails for weeks…

    After i contacted you here Support replied very quickly on the same day and apologized for the delay is response 🙂 However their response is not very helpful. See below..

    Support: We tested the VAT number and it is working on our end and suggest to simply retry entering the VAT number.
    Me: I explain again that of course there have been multiple attempts and that the VAT number is added to the “whitelist” to pass manual validation. So it should not fail in the first place. I also ask to check the logs again i did send. I also provided a screenshot.
    Support: Probably ignores me again, as the last response is over 48 hours ago.

    Is it possible to assign my ticket to a different employee? I really don’t want to leave a bad review, but this is taking more time and effort than it should. I have to explain the same thing over and over again.

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by shar2024.
    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by shar2024.
    Plugin Author Omar AlDabbas


    @shar2024, thank you for the message and approach, I’m following up with you directly on the ticket.


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