• Resolved giorgoskey


    Hello guys, I got an eshop and 1 problem. There are some values that even if I change them they still got the old value. Specifically:
    a) the pay on delivery price
    b) the admin email

    I change both values at the admin panel but I still see the old price and the old email still gets the emails – not the new.

    What I have done so far:
    1) cleared cache
    2) disable the cache plugin
    3) contacted my hosting company and they told me they keep no cache and that it is my problem
    4) searched the database for these values to change them manuallly but nothing

    Any help? This drives me crazy, never had this problem before. I use WooCommerce Smart COD and W3 Total Cache plugins in case it helps.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @giorgoskey

    I am sorry about the issue you are experiencing and I am happy to assist you with this.
    As I can see you are using Page Cache, Minify, and Browser Cache. I can also see the X-Cache-Status HTTP header (this is not set by W3 Total Cache) and double x-content-type-options: nosniff header which means that you have some nginx.conf rules that are manually added or by some other plugin, or by the hosting provider.
    I would recommend disabling the plugin temporarily, and while the plugin is disabled, manually delete the wp-content/cache/folder, make a backup of your nginx conf and remove all W3TC entries. and see if the issue persists.
    If the issue is still there then the issue is not related to W3 Total Cache and you have another caching layer besides W3TC.
    If the issue is gone, great, we can troubleshoot more to see which setting might be causing this.

    Thread Starter giorgoskey


    Thanks for your help Marko, I completely removed the W3Tc plugin and all files at its folder and at wp-content/cache/folder

    I could not find the nginx conf though, I thought it was at /etc/nginx but no. Could not spot it anywhere else too.

    As I saw I get two errors in my erroor log file:
    [25-Feb-2021 07:51:46 UTC] add_to_cart_fragments is deprecated since version 3.0.0! Use woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments instead.
    [25-Feb-2021 07:51:46 UTC] The WC_Cart::get_cart_url function is deprecated since version 2.5. Replace with wc_get_cart_url.
    You think that may cause the problem?


    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @giorgoskey

    Does the issue persist once you’ve deleted the cache folder and disabled the plugin?
    The nginx.conf should be located in etc/nginx/nginx.conf however you should reach out to your hosting provider and ask for assistance with this.
    As for the error log issues, these are not related to W3 Total Cache but with the Woocommerce plugin so you may want to check this topic.

    Thread Starter giorgoskey


    Hi Marko, I have totally deleted the plugin and all the folders related. I dont have a etc/nginx folder at my server. I will ask my hosting provider for that/

    Thanks for yuor help

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @giorgoskey

    Thank you for the information.
    If the issue is still there once the plugin and all folders are deleted, it means that the issue is not related to W3 Total Cache.
    The rules in the nginx.conf are mostly related to Browser Cache, and I don’t think that those can cause your issue, and once the plugin is deleted those should be automatically removed.

    Thread Starter giorgoskey


    Yes thats not the problem, my hosting provider just informed me that the cache Nginx is not enabled at all.

    Its so weird, never faced that before. Both email and price in the admin panel are different than those we see in the site.

    Thread Starter giorgoskey


    Any other idea guys? Marko? I have tried everything..

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