• Resolved jetxpert


    Help appreciated!


    The latest update (V2.1.1) of your plugin added four (4) database tables to our website. They are:


    Apparently, above tables were added in support of Woocommerce. Well, we don’t use Woocommerce, so we deleted above tables and our site crashed as soon as the embedded cron: “actionscheduler” ran. By the way, the cron runs every minute. What?

    So, thank goodness for back-ups, we restored the databases and our site runs OK. We also added the filter provided below in our functions.php file to force the cron to run every 24 hours.

    add_filter('action_scheduler_run_schedule', function($arg) { return 86400; });

    Bottom line:

    (1) Please provide a fix that will allow us to delete the above tables while keeping our website from crashing.

    (2) Please provide a fix that will delete the “1-minute” cron. Note: Please ensure the fix supports both WP-Cron and Real Cron.

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author Gregor Capuder



    with version v2.1.0 our plugin is using Action Scheduler library (made by the WooCommerce team). This was not added for WooCommerce support, but it was added for our plugin features that need background processing.

    The tables you deleted are needed for our plugin to function correctly.

    The cron “runs” every minute, but it doesn’t process anything if there is nothing scheduled to be processed. Of course, you are free to change that value as you did via the filter you provided.

    Take care!

    Thread Starter jetxpert



    Thanks for the quick reply!

    You guys have a great plugin, but feel you rushed into this to support a minority. “The tail is wagging the dog” Why?

    The added tables are crashing many websites and the “1-minute” cron is messing things up.

    We believe in continuous improvement, so can you kindly update your code to add the proposed solution provided here?

    Until the above is implemented, we still need a temporary solution to delete the tables and cron without crashing our websites.

    Last, unless someone is reading this post (or plugin repository), the source of your tables is unknown. They are not labeled properly. They should contain the proper prefix as shown below (example).


    Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter jetxpert



    One final comment, from a user perspective, this issue is not “Resolved.”

    However, we do appreciate that your plugin is Free. So, again, thank you!


    Thread Starter jetxpert



    Alternate solution (after re-reading your reply above).

    Solution assumes the plugin fires up with the actionscheduler tables “off.” Oh well, your call.


    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @jetxpert,

    action scheduler functionality in our plugin is not something that is optional for plugin to function correctly.

    We will use this library and its functionality more and more throughout the plugin in the near future, so we can’t make a checkbox to enable or disable it.

    The table names are named after the library. Other plugins or themes can use this library as well and they will need these same DB tables as well, so we can’t rename them.

    Thread Starter jetxpert



    Thanks for the quick reply and explanation.

    Your plugin was working great for us before the update (addition of tables).

    Well, our best option now is to downgrade your plugin to the previous version unless there’s a good reason (great new features) that take advantage of these tables.

    No harm. Thank you!



    Hi All

    Just a heads up. We upgraded this plugin to Version 2.1.1. It caused all our woocommcerce subscriptions actions to start failing, “scheduled action” fails for expiring and renew subscriptions. It upset a fair few customers and caused us a large amount of follow up work to manually repair the failed actions.

    we reverted back to an old version which is working fine.



    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by David.
    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi David,

    I’m sorry that you experienced these problems.

    Could you please let me know which version of WooCommerce and the subscriptions plugin you are using?

    Our plugin is using the current latest version of Action Scheduler (v3.1.6), maybe others are using an older version and aren’t compatible with the latest version?

    Take care!


    Gregor, I’m having the same problem. I don’t have Woocommerce nor Action Scheduler plugin on my website. When I activate the WP Mail SMTP plugin, my webiste crashes. This 4 tables are missing:


    I tried this troubleshoot but it fails in step 2 when I try to activate de Action Scheduler plugin, showing the same message that I don’t have those 4 tables:


    Can you please help with this situation?

    Thanks 🙂

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @blankenho,

    when you install the Action Scheduler plugin, your site crashes and you can’t follow the remaining parts of the troubleshooting guide?

    If so, I would recommend contacting your hosting support and ask them to check why the DB tables are not creating. There must be something preventing your site from creating these DB tables.

    Take care!

    Thread Starter jetxpert



    Closing the loop. Click here for an alternate solution.


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