• Resolved mengsel


    Hi there,

    Very happy user of your plugin, thank you so much for making this available. I’m having trouble preserving customized coming soon pages when updating the plugin because it overwrites some edits I’ve made to the template file. I was wondering…

    Is there a way to hook into the plugin from my theme’s functions.php file and entirely replace the template file with my own (static) contents?

    Basically I want to preserve the plugin’s catch-all-and-redirect-to-coming-soon functionality, but use a completely from-scratch html page with it. Your advice is very welcome, thank you 🙂


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  • If you modify the plugin just don’t update it or rename it so it does not get updated and replace your mods.

    The Pro Version lets you create custom themes and retain code if you want to go that route as well.

    Thread Starter mengsel


    Thanks for explaining! Two follow-up questions:

    1. Can I safely assume that future updates of the plugin will not update the inc/template/template-coming-soon.php file?

    2. And if not, is there any way to hook into the plugin from my theme’s functions.php file?

    When a plugin update it replaces all the files, doesn’t mater if it’s changed out not. No hooks, you could add a php include.

    Your best bet it to just rename the plugin and then modify as you need.

    Thread Starter mengsel


    Thank you =) And I’ll definitely take a look at the pro version.

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