• nsgibson


    Right now I have an orange line. I’ve been able to change the thickness, color, etc., but I would like to put a long strip of an image that I created underneath my posts in place of that line. I tired the standard <img src=”postborder.jpg”> and loaded the image into the proper directory but it only deletd my border altogether.

    Any suggestions? Ideas? I know there must be a way, I’m just missing it.

    Thanks so much,


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  • auxano


    Can you post a link?

    Thread Starter nsgibson


    Yes, sorry. It’s http://www.euroleagueadventures.com and I am trying to replace the orange border line underneath the post with an image. See what you think. I’d like to get this site up and running on Monday.

    Thanks for your help.





    Sorry, nsgibson, I just do not seem to grasp your idea

    Correct me if I am wrong, but you want to replace the bottom line of EACH AND EVERY post? In this case you just need to modify the theme file single.php

    In the default theme it is around

    <div class="entry">
    <?php the_content('<p class="serif">' . __('Read the rest of this entry »', 'kubrick') . '</p>'); ?>

    <XXXXXXXXXXX> – after which is where you post you image to keep semantics and validity and make sure it does not break you design

    Otherwise, I just do not understand…

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