• Resolved tekb


    I have changed a few people to the Author role and after about a day or two, it will change them back to “Subscriber”. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong to where it will not stay as the role I need them to be.

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  • This does not normally happen automatically. I suspect it is controlled by a plugin that you are using. Possibly a security plugin. I would advise you to check which of the plugins you are using would be suitable for this.

    Thread Starter tekb


    Thank you. I did figure it out. It was some google plug in that I would have never thought to use.

    Nice if I could help. Which one was it exactly? Just out of interest. You are also welcome to set the topic to solved.

    Thread Starter tekb


    Google Apps Login
    Domain Control

    Then I added the email address I wanted to change and selected the role.

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