• Just installed the Gallery plug in. instructions say

    Click Add Photo Gallery Button

    To add a gallery using shortcode, please find and click the “Add Photo Gallery” button in your post/page editor navigation.

    I am using the DIVI builder and don’t seem to be able to configure per any of the instruction images, is it compatible with DIVI?

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  • Plugin Support Yasin Abedi


    Hello @robmcp ,

    If you cannot see the photo gallery in your editor, you can try to add it directly with a short code.
    Please navigate to the Global settings section and find the button that says “Generate Short code”
    Here is a screenshot

    From there you can choose a gallery and it’s view, generate a short code and then insert it directly into your page.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter robmcp


    Thank you for the answer. I’m reviewing with a better understanding now.

    Regards, Rob.

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