• Resolved Brickbucki


    Hi again,

    once again, I have a problem with a custom field using Types. This time, I have created a numerical field called “wpcf-segments”.

    Now, I want to print out every object with a segment count between 1 and 5. So I do…

    [loop taxonomy=category term=object relation=and field=wpcf-segments compare=between value=1,5 orderBy=field_num key=wpcf-segments order=ASC]
    ... insert insane output ...

    … but this also shows 10, 16, 22, … etc. because they are in between 1 and 5 alphabetically. Is there some way to handle these field values numerically? Just like orderBy=field_num does, which is working perfectly.


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  • Plugin Author Eliot Akira



    Thanks for the description. I found a bug in how compare=between was handled. It’s numeric by default, but was not passing the mix/max values correctly. Please try the newest update.

    Thread Starter Brickbucki


    Woohoo, perfect! Thanks a lot.

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