• Resolved echamings


    Using Pro, 8.3.5.

    Students upload a project folder structure as subscriber, upload bars move. Folder structures upload fine, just empty. No files at all.

    can’t drag and drop .html files to upload. The never make it to the server. Nothing in the logs, it’s as if it didn’t happen. Can drag and drop other files such as .css, .jpeg, .pdf sucessfully.

    Change the same user to admin, and uploading folders and files work fine.

    Upload the same files as zip and uncompress (as subscriber), it works fine.

    Nothing changed on our server that we know of, permissions are all fine etc. Admin accounts can use WP File manager interface and upload fine. We’ve used this process for 2+ years without problem, don’t think anything has changed on our end other than WP updates etc.

    • This topic was modified 3 months ago by echamings.
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  • Plugin Support File Manager Support


    Hey echamings,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and providing detailed information about the issue you’re facing with file uploads.

    We want to assure you that there are no restrictions for the .html file type built into our code. However, it’s possible that a security plugin on your WordPress site is disabling the upload functionality for subscriber roles, especially for HTML files, due to security reasons.

    We recommend temporarily disabling your WordPress security plugin and trying to upload the .html files again. If this resolves the issue, it indicates that the security plugin is indeed blocking the upload of HTML files for subscribers role.

    In that case, we suggest adding some exceptions in the firewall settings of your security plugin to allow HTML file uploads for subscriber roles while maintaining overall security measures. Or contact their support team.
    (We have tested this case with the Wordfence plugin, It is indeed blocking the upload of the .html file type for the subscriber roles – Screenshot)

    Gentle Reminder – Please contact us through the Contact Us page for queries related to the pro version – https://filemanagerpro.io/contact.

    Best regards,
    WP File Manager Support Team

    Thread Starter echamings


    Thanks, it was indeed wordfence. Sorted now.

    BTW, I did email support and put two tickets in as I normally would for Pro support, but heard nothing. So I posted here.

    Plugin Support File Manager Support


    Thank you for the acknowledgement. We are happy to know that your concern is addressed through our previous response.
    We make it a priority to respond promptly to our customers. It’s possible that our email ended up in your spam folder. We are already working on this.

    WP File Manager Support

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