• Resolved typoking



    I experience a problem when I upgrade the plugin from 2.4.9 to 2.6.x. Instead of the list of tweets I get this fatal PHP error.

    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method FetchTweets_Output_Tweet::___getArguments_() in /home/USERNAME/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fetch-tweets/include/class/output/tweet/FetchTweets_Output_Tweet.php on line 210

    For now I replaced the wp-content/plugins/fetch-tweets/ version with the 2.4.9 version and that make it re-apear.

    Could you help me resolve this?

    Kind regards,

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by typoking.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Plugin Author miunosoft



    Are you using a custom template?

    Thread Starter typoking



    Thank you for the quick reply.

    Yes we are, is there something that needs to be updated?

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Can you go to Dashboard -> Fetch Tweets -> Manage Rules and tell me what it says in the Tweet Type column of the rule that causes that error?

    Thread Starter typoking


    We have several rules.
    Rule Name column is populated with usernames (example NLSports)
    Tweet Type is “Screen Name (User Timeline)” for all these.

    That the information you are looking for?

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Hmm okay, I uploaded a development version that may fix the problem.


    Please try it and see if the problem goes away and let me know how it goes.

    Thread Starter typoking


    Uploaded it, renamed old folder, unzipped in /plugins/, activating gives a different error:

    Fatal error: Class ‘FetchTweets_TwitterAPI_’ not found in /home/USERNAME/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fetch-tweets/include/class/output/tweet/FetchTweets_Output_Tweet.php on line 81

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    The problem seems to be that somehow the plugin cannot retrieve the tweet type of the rule. I’m not sure why it happens on your site.

    I updated the development version which can be downloaded from the same link in the previous reply. Please try it and let me know if it works for you.

    Thread Starter typoking


    I tripple checked, version 2.6.1b02 is the active one, I cleared the WP Super Cache and it all looks exactly the same as it did with version 2.4.9 🙂

    In short: this version works for us!

    Thank you for the very quick follow up!

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Glad to hear it!

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