• Resolved notpoppy


    I have a premium CleanTalk subscription.

    Today I updated to CleanTalk 6.17. Since then some of my contributors have begun receiving emails when new comments are posted on articles they have written.

    How can we disable this please?

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  • Plugin Support katereji



    Please, uncheck this option in Anti-Spam plugin settings: Notify users with selected roles about new approved comments. Hold CTRL to select multiple roles. If enabled, overrides similar WordPress discussion settings. You can find it here: WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Antispam by Cleantalk -> Advanced settings.

    Did it help?

    Plugin Support sergecleantalk



    We haven’t received your reply in a few days, so I’m going to mark this topic as “resolved”.
    If you have any further questions, you can start a new topic anytime.

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  • The topic ‘Updated to 6.17, now authors are being emailled comments. How to stop this?’ is closed to new replies.