• Resolved peopleinside


    Hi, I hope this message find you well!
    I want ask if the social icon will update the Twitter icon to the new X icon and when this will be done. I think the social icon in the editor are managed by this WordPress editor.

    In my website I still have the old Twitter icon, when I try to update it I see in Gutenberg the Twitter icon still be the old.

    Search for: Update Twitter social icon

    • This topic was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by peopleinside.
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  • Hi @peopleinside !

    In my website I still have the old Twitter icon, when I try to update it I see in Gutenberg the Twitter icon still be the old.

    I see that there is an existing report for this on Github, along with ongoing work to update this. You would need to wait for this to be updated and released. For now, please feel free to subscribe to that bug report for any updates.

    Thread Starter peopleinside


    @properlypurple thank you! 🙂

    Thread Starter peopleinside


    A pull request has been closed but now the question is the same: when the new X icon will b available?

    Moderator Felipe Santos


    Hi @peopleinside, it should be available in the next release — I see we already have some release candidates and the current version was released a few weeks ago, so I would expect for us to have a new version this week (or maybe next week if we have a delay).

    Thank you WordPress team! 🙏🏻

    I have just upgraded to WP 6.4.1 but I still have the old Twitter icon. Is there something else I need to do?

    Thread Starter peopleinside


    @heman321 I checked this for you.
    I’m able to see the new X Icon by creating a new article on WordPress then when I press on the + button I digit “social” and I see social icons. I add this then I click again on + button then I search for Twitter and I see correctly the new X icon.

    Is the same procedure that are you following?

    What about the footer icon? Thank you!

    Thread Starter peopleinside


    @artgoddess this topic is about Gutenberg editor.
    If in your footer icons are managed by the theme or some plugin you need ask support to the theme or to the plugin.


    Thanks for getting back to me. I had assumed the icon would just update automatically, but now I see that I have to add it again I can do so and it works fine in some places.

    I think the additional confusion is some themes (Hueman in my case) also have settings for social icons, and they don’t appear to have updated yet.

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