Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Support Dave Clements


    Hi @kirtimaurya,

    There’s a very good chance the feed is cached and Google hasn’t re-pulled it since you removed the media file from the post. Can you reply with your RSS feed and I’ll take a look?

    Thread Starter kirtimaurya


    is this you are talking about:
    i had just added a random mp3 file as podcast.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by kirtimaurya.
    Plugin Support Dave Clements


    I’m finding that MP3 file in this feed – – so it looks like the issue is purely between caching and Google re-pulling your RSS feed.

    I would clear your site’s cache, your server cache, and give Google at least 24 hours to update.

    Thread Starter kirtimaurya


    Hey, its been two days, i have deleted that post too but the problem still persists. Will deactivating/uninstalling the plugin solve the problem?

    Plugin Support Shawn


    Sometimes, to fully remove a Post from a podcast RSS feed, you have to delete the Post and also empty the trash within your WordPress dashboard. Empty the trash if you haven’t done that yet.

    Have you signed in to Google Podcast Manager to claim your show’s listing? Do you know what feed URL your Google Podcasts listing is working off of?

    Thread Starter kirtimaurya


    i have deleted the post from trash as well.

    No, i haven’t signed in to google podcast manager or configure it claim show’s listing. In google podcast app, the rss feed url i m getting is of feedburner and it is properly synced.

    Also, is synced. I think it is featuring because initially the check box was marked.

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