• Please avoid these people.

    My subscription expired and my account was debited without any form of a reminder, even when I don’t use the plugin anymore and I have deactivated it from my website.

    I have been asking for a refund for months now, and they have refused to refund my money, always coming up with different excuses.

    iThemes, please refund my money!!!

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by pdomnicks.
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  • Hi Dominic,

    I am sorry this was not a smooth process for you.

    We did send an email to the address on file on Oct 8, 2021, to remind you of the upcoming renewal of your subscription. And we did attempt to issue a refund as soon as you requested it.

    Unfortunately, the refund would not complete due to an issue either with our system or your bank. This is the first time we have ever had this happen, and we have still not been able to narrow down the cause, though we are still working to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

    Issuing a refund and sending someone a payment is not the same when it comes to balancing and finance, so it is not something we could do without approval which took longer than we would have liked. At no point, though, was it our intention to refuse to refund the payment and even suggested you talk to your bank to issue a chargeback to speed up the process. However, you should now have received the payment through PayPal.

    Again, I am sorry that this wasn’t an easy process. However, you should have received your refund now. Please let us know if we can do anything further.


    Elise Alley
    Support Manager

    Plugin Contributor James Welbes


    Hi @pdomnicks

    I just wanted to follow up and make sure you received your refund. As Elise mentioned there was some kind of technical issue at first and from our end it seems as if everything was finally refunded but I’d like to make sure you saw the refund on your end.

    Looking forward to hearing back,

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