• Hi everyone,

    I’ve taken over a couple of sites and have come across some issues with the spacing of lines on an audio page. It appears that a shortcode is used to display each audio file in an ordered list, but the spacing is not uniform. Most of the tracks are spaced correctly but some are not. Please see attached link.


    Also, this issue seems to be different depending on what device it is viewed on.

    Thanks in advance for any help you are able to give.

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  • Thread Starter alexbharris


    It’s also showing up differently on different browsers/devices. Safari on a mac there is no space between each line, same on iPhone running iOS8 beta, But iPad shows a space between some of the lines and not on others.

    Viewing with Firefox on Ubuntu the spacing is regular.

    Suggest that you install a browser inspector like firebug, it shows you how your html is formed and how your css is working. Each browser has a tool to provide this functionality.

    Thread Starter alexbharris


    So it appears to be only on an ipad/iphone… Spaces are added between the lines of the ordered list. Is this a known issue? On a computer browser of any type there are no breaks between the lines. Also on my iOS8 beta on my iphone everything is fine.

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