• Resolved Juanzo


    I’m testing SureCart to replace our old WooCommerce, and better manage our subscriptions, but we noticed some errors with it and Slim SEO:

    Undefined property: stdClass::$post_modified_gmt

    Undefined property: stdClass::$post_modified_gmt

    At Slim SEO settings, Post Type, I only see a way of applying a noindex to post type Products, but I do want these posts to be indexed.

    Should I ask SureCart team to fix anything to be compatible with Slim SEO?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Anh Tran


    Hi @jmzolezzi ,

    Sorry for the late reply. After investigating into this problem, I found that SureCart creates a fake post object for the single product page, see this screenshot:


    However, the problem is that this fake object is not a fully compatible WP_Post object. It misses “post_modified_gmt” property, which is used in Slim SEO to output the modified time of the post.

    I think it’s best to make the change in SureCart to improve compatibility with other plugins that use the same post object. If you can contact them for help, please do that. And if you need any further details from me, please let me know.

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