• Found a lot of PHP notice :

    Undefined index: wooco_qty in /plugins/wpc-composite-products/includes/class-wooco.php on line 2083

    Line 2083 : 'qty' => $cart_contents[ $key ]['wooco_qty']

    Already tried to deactivate all installed plugins, but the notice are still there.
    Can you have a look at this ?

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  • Plugin Support Janilyn T


    Hi @riversatile ,

    Please check the settings of the components inside your smart composite: look out for any conflicting min/max limits of each component and the whole composite.

    Kindly note that the quantity of each component must be at least 0 for optional components and 1 for required components.

    If you are using any external quantity-controlling or discount plugin based on quantity of chosen items, they might interfere with our plugin.

    If possible, please attach some images of the backend composite configurations and a public link to your composite for us to check.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter Riversatile


    Sorry, but I see a lots of these notice in :

    Where post-type=page, not on products.

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