• Resolved toniglaghar


    I’m uploading a backup from the local machine which is stuck at 50% after that it restarts uploading. This backup is from the localhost site.

    Although I have tried after increasing the limits of php. Plugin, theme, wordpress everything’s updated to the latest version.

    Even I have uploaded it from FTP and while it’s visible in the plugin’s backup and migrations tab but nothing happens after clicking restore.

    I’m using the free version and this is the same domain, same hosting and same server where this backup was taken from.

    I have even tried lowering and increasing the values from the plugin settings. Increased the max php execution time to 600 still nothing happening.

    Help me out please

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  • Thread Starter toniglaghar



    This is what’s happening, uploading is on loop and when I have uploaded the backup through FTP, it’s visible on migration tab but when I click on the restore nothing happens. The only plugin installed and activated is wp-staging. The only theme installed and activated is 2024. All the values in settings are at default.

    Plugin Contributor alaasalama


    Hi @toniglaghar

    Please contact us via this form and share your website’s system information from (WP STAGING > System Info) and we will help you further from there.

    Make sure to mention this thread link when you create the ticket.


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