• Resolved Nomad Skateboarding


    I’m attempting to use just a cover block set to full height with a Blank Template.

    I’m unable to remove the last 5 or 10 pixels of margin at the top of the page.

      I’ve removed the margin completely on the cover block.

      I tried grouping the post content block in the blank template and setting that margin to zero.

      I tried using different blocks, such as just a heading or just an image.

    It’s only with 2023 theme that I can tell. I’ve tried out other themes from Anders Norén and Frost, and I’m able to have my cover image full height with no margins with these themes.

    Thank you for your time 🙂

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • It is the padding at the top of the site that 2023 theme defines.

    Navigate to the Site Editor and select Styles > Layout.

    Here you can change the padding of the site. Make sure to enter “0” in the top padding setting.

    It may initially appear empty because the theme defines the value with a variable, but if you enter “0” it will override the theme’s default top padding and remove the space at the top of the page.

    Thread Starter Nomad Skateboarding


    Thank you kindly that was it 🙏🙂

    I did not even look there. Rookie mistake 😅

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