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  • Plugin Support wfmargaret


    Hi @robertochionna,

    To confirm whether the issue is with Wordfence, please try deactivating Wordfence. You can deactivate Wordfence manually via the file system. You can do that as follows:

    • Connect to your server using the method you normally use to upload files. Most people either use FTPS or SFTP to do this.
    • Use your hosting control panel file manager to rename the Wordfence folder located in “wp-content/plugins/wordfence”.

    The above procedure will immediately deactivate Wordfence, so if Wordfence is causing the bad request, you should now be able to log in.

    If you’re able to log in after deactivating Wordfence, please try reactivating Wordfence in the dashboard.  If you’re still able to use the dashboard once Wordfence is activated, please review any blocked traffic from your IP in Wordfence > Tools > Live Traffic.  You can obtain your IP at  If you see any blocked actions that you know are safe, you can click the “Add param to firewall allowlist” button to allow those actions in the future.

    If you’re not seeing any blocked attempts, you may benefit from switching the firewall back to Learning Mode temporarily in Wordfence > Firewall > Manage WAF > Web Application Firewall Status > Learning Mode.  Please ensure you configure a date to enable the firewall again by checking Automatically enable on, and then click Save Changes to save.


    Thread Starter robertochionna


    hi, thank you for your reply.

    in fact, renaming Wordfence plugin directory that error will disappear, but I still cannot login: when I put my (right) credentials and press Login the login screen would be simply reloaded without any error in console (F12).

    in this scenario no message will be prompted, compared when Wordfence is active and after a login attempt I receive a wrong credential message.

    maybe could be some other php files that Wordfence change outside plugin directory ?

    thank you very much for your support.


    Plugin Support wfmargaret


    Hi @robertochionna,

    Since the error goes away when disabling Wordfence, this may be unrelated to Wordfence. To test, you can reset Wordfence using the following steps.  It’s important that you do step 1 before the other steps.

    1. Remove extended protection manually
    2. Remove the “wordfence” plugin folder located in wp-content/plugins
    3. Remove the wflogs folder located in wp-content
    4. Remove wordfence-waf.php located in the root of your WordPress installation
    5. Remove all Wordfence-related database tables from the database, using for example phpMyAdmin (You can find a full list of Wordfence-related tables here)
    6. After testing the login, reinstall Wordfence

    Once Wordfence has been removed, if you’re still having login issues, the issue is likely unrelated to Wordfence.


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